To integrate Pagerduty with Mail Flow Monitoring follow these steps:

  1. In Pagerduty go to Services and click +New Service button.
  2. Type in the name of service for example MailFlowMonitoring and select Use our API directly under integrations settings.
  3. Click Add Service button to save.
  4. Copy the integration key from the integration tab of the service you've just created.
  5. Replace the APIKEY in the URL with the integration key you've copied above.

Inside of MailFlowMonitoring:

  1. Click on Notification Policies in the left bar and then click the New button.
  2. Type in Pagerduty as the notification name.
  3. Click Webhook under type and Pagerduty under Integration.
  4. Paste the URL you created with integration key above and paste under Webhook URL.
  5. Click Save button to save notification policy.